Tulip Time

Hi everyone,

It’s time for the annual tulip picture. This year we got there a bit too late. Our terror of a dog had her way before the picture could be snapped. What to do?

096We usually end our posts with an “Until next time . . .” but there won’t be a next time. We have used 100% of our space and we won’t be purchasing any to continue our family blogging.

447 posts and 7 years, thanks for following along with us!

Our food blog still has space available so if Mom ever gets her act together again you can check out new posts over there.

See ya!

Introducing Kutya

Hi everyone,

Did you know that we have a new member of our family? She was born on Valentine’s Day and came to live with us just a short six weeks later. She is a Vizsla, a breed originating in Hungary, therefore her name is Kutya which means “dog” in Hungarian and is pronounced coot-ya.

054It’s been a definite change having a puppy in the house. Between potty training and her wild shark attacks we are wondering what we got ourselves into.

062 064Our trip to pick her up was not without incident. Just west of Bozeman our truck pooped out on us. We thought it was a clogged fuel filter but it turned out to be a bad fuel pump. It was our first time calling up AAA so that was an interesting experience in and of itself.

Until next time . . .

Road Trip

Hi everyone,

Mom and Dad road tripped down to California this past weekend. I wasn’t a part of it. I stayed home with Grandma. It sounds like they had a good time.

008I think the thing Dad looked forward to most of all was eating at Cafe Roma. From the time Mom decided to run this particular marathon he was looking forward to that Bucatini. I have to admit, it was good but I don’t know if I would drive all the way down to California just to eat one serving of it.

035And here’s Mom with her English muffin and peanut butter from after the race. Not quite the same thing. Guess it’s a good thing she ate a dish of Bucatini for her carb load dinner.

Until next time . . .


Hi everyone,

As part of Dad’s birthday celebration we decided to go tubing. Awesome!

018It was soooooo different from when Mom was a kid. She was telling me about how they used to go up to the pass with their big truck tire inner tubes, hot chocolate in a thermos, goodies to eat, and just pile out of the vehicles and start sliding. Now you have to buy an expensive pass to tube for a two hour window. Two hours! You can’t even bring your own tubes. They have fancy ones with covers that you can use.Don’t get me wrong, it was pretty cool using the rope tow but we only used it a couple of times because the line was always so long it was quicker to just walk to the top with the tube.

019022030Even with all the differences it was still a blast! I think Dad enjoyed his birthday and I know I enjoyed my first experience with inner tubing in the snow.

Until next time . . .

Hello Again

Hi everyone,

Still there? It’s been a while.

Let me catch you up on a few things that have been going on around here.

I managed to stay out of the melee of organized sports for my first 7 years but indoor soccer was calling my name this winter. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun! I’m still working on my coordination and running/kicking skills, but getting to play on a team was awesome. As you already know I’m very social so there was some distraction with clowning around with my teammates during practice and the games. Go figure.

001Baseball is the next sport of choice, so stay tuned.

We also celebrated Dad’s birthday almost two months ago exactly. Has that much time really gone by? Wow! We secretly baked Dad a cheesecake after he left for work in the morning.

Oh, did I tell you that Dad has been working regularly lately? He is a substitute bus driver and the driver for the Catholic school had to take a leave of absence. I’ve been riding on the bus with him every afternoon. Before I started my school career I was so excited to be able to ride a school bus, then I was crushed when I found out I was only a half mile from the school so I would never ride a school bus. Now I’m so ready for my school bus riding days to be over. It only took a few weeks for the “newness” to wear off.

Anyway, back to the birthday. Mom managed to bake a cheesecake without him knowing about it. She made breakfast afterward so it covered up the smell of dessert lingering in the air. He never even knew until dessert time!

P1010865Until next time . . .

Olympic Skier

Hi everyone,

Is there a kid out there who has not acted out at least one Olympic event in the course of their childhood? Summer Games, Winter Games, it doesn’t matter which. These times give us the chance to see sports we might not normally be accustomed to seeing.

Mom was telling me about when she was a kid and she and her friends would act out the Summer Games gymnastics events on the front lawn. Folding up towels as a balance beam or acting as a border for the mat routines. I giggled when I heard that.

My favorites from the Winter Games were cross country skiing, the biathlon, and the bobsled. It helped that we have the Nordic Track in our living room. I popped the wooden skies out of the track and Dad cut down Mom’s old ski poles for me. I think Mom was pretty impressed when I fashioned my rifle out of Tinker Toy pieces and used my little backpack as a holder.

Below you can see me positioned for my “shooting”.P1010840Afterward I quickly repack my rifle while heading to my skis.P1010841Skiing off to the next lap.P1010842Ahhh, the joys of being a kid! Bobsled didn’t go so well for us. I got Dad to be a part of my two man bobsled team and as he was hopping into the “bobsled” we heard a thump. He spent the next hour fixing the couch that was broken. Oops.

Until next time . . .

More Snow!!

Hi everyone,

What? More snow? Yep.

We stayed the weekend down at Grandma’s a few weeks ago. Grandma and I went to dinner and it started snowing. Mom and Dad went to dinner and a movie and there was way more snow after they got out of their movie. It took them a bit longer to get back to Grandma’s but I was fast asleep so I had no idea until I woke up the next morning.

So fun playing out in the snow. I just happened to have brought my hat and big gloves because we were going to a car museum later that day and I wanted to be prepared for that.

The snow wasn’t great for rolling so we just kind of mounded up my snowman. He almost looks like he is melting down into the snow. Here I am, shaking his hand!P1010832P1010835Master designers and builders!!

Until next time . . .

Upping the Lego Levels

Hi everyone,

I know I haven’t mentioned this recently but the space on our family blog is almost used up. Mom and Dad don’t want to pay for space on the world wide web so I’m thinking that sooner rather than later this posting thing is going to be coming to an end. All things must come to an end, right? I just want those few of you who actually still read this blog to be prepared for what will inevitably be coming.

Until then, I’ll keep posting a picture or two each time which might allow me to post a little longer than if I post a myriad of pictures on each post.

P1010801 So this is the next generation of Legos. What do you think? They are called Technix and they are a bit more complicated than the traditional Legos. I chose to use my Christmas and birthday gift cards to Toys R Us to purchase them. They have working gears, the landing gear goes up and down, and the cockpit lifts up. I was pretty excited to get it put together and fly it around! It did test my patience a little more than the traditional setups though. There was more than once that I was asked to take a break while putting it together.

Until next time . . .


Hi everyone,

We’ve had a bit of snow this winter but nothing like what our friends and family in the Midwest have gotten. We had some snowfall overnight and when I woke up at about 6:30am Mom let me take a peek out the door to see the snow in the backyard. I immediately went in and started getting dressed and she didn’t stop me. I guess she figured that we don’t get much snow out here so getting up a bit early wouldn’t hurt too bad.P1010785Took the time to make snow angels and have a snowball fight with Dad but totally forgot to make a snowman. P1010789P1010791Until next time . . .


Hi everyone,

While Mom and Dad were huffing and puffing down and then up the Grand Canyon, Grandma and I were enjoying the wildlife at Bearizona. Hey, we had to find something to do beside swimming in the pool all day. IMG_0426 IMG_0428 IMG_0458 IMG_0467 IMG_0477IMG_0479My favorite animal was the Red Fox. He was so cute and fluffy and he ran in little circles.

Until next time . . .